The Thirteen Intentions of Creation - Part 1: Introduction

ABOUT: This is an introduction to my ebook-in-progress The Final Truth - A Theory of Practice. (Alternative address: http://13intentions.info)

Most people like to push the idea that "no one knows the Truth" or that "there is no absolute truth." In both cases, they are making an absolute statement, they are presenting their version of the Truth. In other words, they are contradicting themselves and showing ignorance about the real truth. They are expressing their chaotic / relativistic perception of the universe. Well, suppose that someone really knows the Truth and tells you about It, but you dismiss the information as just another "opinion." Too bad. Relativity is not an absolute, and there is always a higher order beyond the perceived chaos. Lost amidst tons of opinions and teachings there is a subset of information that is more attuned to the Truth.

Theoretical knowledge will never replace direct experience of the Truth, and so every theory is still an interpretation, not an awareness. The person needs to internalize the experience of what is true, and not just contemplate an external representation of it. The learning process never ends. You can try to observe a small plant blowing in the wind and it will bring something useful to your awareness. The idea is that in practice you never reach an end to your knowledge, but in theory you can if you work to simplify it instead of just accumulating more redundant information. To acquire knowledge based only on quantity is to have many pieces that do not fit together. Quality is more important than quantity.

Only a small subset of all knowledge is useful by itself, while the rest only becomes useful when supported by this subset. You can have a general idea of the entire puzzle if you are able to find the most significant pieces first. Once you have a point of reference in your knowledge, the rest is just a matter of derivation. Why not learn the basics first and then have fun experimenting with your fundamental knowledge for the rest of eternity? If you can reach a theoretical end to your knowledge, then you can live life as it is supposed to be lived: with peace of mind, with certainty. Your doors will be opened for a fully powered practical approach. Theory is no longer separate from practice, but instead one reflects the other. You have achieved a final theory, which is also a theory of Reality and Creation.

The Thirteen Intentions of Creation are a finite number of basic meanings for Creation. As a computer programmer, my perspective is that they are the source code of the "program" of Creation. Naturally, the best way to understand how a computer program works is by seeing its source code. Knowledge that ignores the source code is usually superficial, because it is only based on the program's output. One may argue that the universe is not a computer simulation, yet to see it as so provides us with a rich metaphor that we can use to learn more about the artificial aspects of Creation.

NOTE: I am not the first one to come up with the name Thirteen Intentions of Creation. It seems that American researcher Ian Xel Lungold (R.I.P.) brought it up first with his interpretation of the Mayan calendar and the Mayan cosmology.

The Thirteen Intentions of Creation:

  1. Unification, Origination, Simplification, Principiation, Singularization, Individualization, Prioritization, Adoration, Representation, Idealization, Declaration, Motivation
  2. Polarization, Differentiation, Linearization, Mensuration, Rationalization, Isolation, Delineation, Limitation, Identification, Separation, Externalization, Classification
  3. Activation, Animation, Manifestation, Realization, Electrization, Stimulation, Circulation, Creation, Automation, Imagination
  4. Formation, Formalization, Solidification, Foundation, Stabilization, Structuration, Materialization, Objectification, Concretization
  5. Potentiation, Infuriation, Energization, Excitation, Acceleration, Irradiation, Exploration, Experimentation, Corporation, Movimentation
  6. Compensation, Accommodation, Equilibration, Variation, Oscillation, Alternation, Equalization, Fluctuation
  7. Harmonization, Syntonization, Reverberation, Sensation, Vibration, Intonation, Inspiration, Situation, Orientation, Association, Organization
  8. Maximization, Magnification, Amplification, Accumulation, Augmentation, Verticalization, Exaggeration, Extrapolation, Multiplication
  9. Spiritualization, Nullification, Annihilation, Cancellation, Certification, Confirmation, Internalization, Specification, Meditation, Anticipation, Liberation
  10. Integration, Assimilation, Adaptation, Particularization, Divination, Instantiation, Concentration, Densification, Intensification, Totalization, Optimization
  11. Approximation, Regulation, Moderation, Adequation, Preparation, Destination, Qualification, Graduation
  12. Finalization, Termination, Crystalization, Personification, Cooperation, Communication, Dedication, Sacrification, Universalization, Dissemination, Solicitation, Conscientization
  13. Acceptation, Perpetuation, Salvation, Immortalization, Preservation, Propagation, Continuation, Transformation, Transmutation, Regeneration, Purification, Renovation

NOTE: This list is based on two years of intense research and experimentation. During this period I came up with more than 60 versions, because it comes to a point that you are splitting hairs to see which directive fits each Intention better. The current version (at the time this article was finished) is believed to be nearly perfect. To see an up-to-date list go to the Conspiracy Knowledge Base.

What do the Thirteen Intentions have to do with anything? Ha! They have everything to do with everything. They are Creation Itself. A theory or model of Creation based on them will be complete at the same time that it is never complete. Armed with this kind of knowledge, you do not have to be an advanced scholar to understand the fundamentals of reality. Ninety-nine percent of all human research becomes irrelevant if you understand universal principles down to the core, and the Thirteen Intentions are these principles.

But isn't there just one truth, just one principle? Yes, there is. The one principle is the 13th Intention alone, which also represents the first 12 Intentions joined as one. Each Intention has an independent meaning, but still it is difficult to separate one from another completely because in reality they are the same thing seen from different perspectives. The 13th Intention corresponds to absolute concepts such as Creation, Creator, Consciousness and Love, all of which are names for the same eternal singularity. It just happens that this great singularity can be broken down into 12 energies, meanings, principles, archetypes, steps, tones, commands or laws -- you name it. The 13th Intention is an infinite power of transcendence responsible for the continuation of Existence and the evolution of consciousness, while Intention #12 is the basis for the universe and reality as we know it. As we will see in Part 2, there is plenty of evidence showing that the universe is based on the frequency of number 12.

What the Thirteen Intentions of Creation represent is pretty much what is known as esoteric or occult knowledge. It is occult not because it is only meant for a select, prepared few, but because it tends to be forgotten and ignored by the majority. The truth is simple, mankind makes it complicated. The "secret" protects itself as long as people do not want to know about it. When you make the connections between the Thirteen Intentions and numerology, astronomy, sacred geometry, harmonics, physics and everything else, you can easily attain a state of mind in which you see all of reality as operating under a set of basic principles, because the Thirteen Intentions are reality, they are Creation.

Below is an excerpt from Blue Blood, True Blood by Stewart Swerdlow:

Each of the 13 ruling families [forming the Illuminati] has a Council of 13 as well. The number 13 has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of the God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge.

There is not a real cause for the fact that 13 is the "right" quantity. The Thirteen Intentions do not rely upon anything because they already are the last frontier in knowledge, and so they just are -- you either accept the quantity of 13 or you don't. However, you can find an enormous amount of evidence supporting that numbers 12 and 13 are central to everything in the universe. It is possible to simplify the group of Intentions into less than 13 tokens, but you will end with an incomplete picture, losing fundamental aspects of Creation that only become apparent when we make the distinction between exact 13 Intentions.

NEXT: Part 2: Evidence. (Coming soon.)


1. Swerdlow, Stewart A. Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation. Saint Joseph, Michigan: Expansions, 2002. ch. 15.


tabriz said...

to much talk... go to the point

lalaugas said...

Hi, thanks for the comment. The "point" has already been made: the 13 Intentions are the final truth. My interpretation of them is included in the post above. It is a very accurate interpretation (took me 2 years of fine tuning). All that you need to know is already there. If by 'point' you mean practical applications of this knowledge -- yes there are many ways to apply it. I for one have been using a very powerful way. I will reveal it in Part 4 of this post once I'm able to finish Parts 2 and 3. Stay tuned.

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